This blog was created to connect families who are united through IAN (International Adoption Net) and the children of Ethiopia. This blog is not written or managed by IAN staff; it is the idea, and creation, of a few families going through the adoption process. Our hope is to provide a fun environment for families to share their stories and, of course, to provide photos of their beautiful children.
We invite all IAN families to participate in this blog. Please leave a comment if you have any questions, concerns or content ideas and we will get back to you.
Perfect Moments
5 years ago
Thanks for starting "our" blog. I look forward to reading and seeing more! Lory Howlett
Hello. I need some good suggestions. My husband and I are adopting an older child from Ethiopia. I am a US citizen and he is a US resident. We thought that he would be the one to travel but I need to. My dilema is choosing between:
1. traveling alone with a sore lower back
2. Going as an entire family with 2 year old daughter in tow. Is this good for her?
3. Going with my husband and leaving our toddler with Grandma. She has never spent the night outside of our home
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